Python CLI

Pyiceberg comes with a CLI that's available after installing the pyiceberg package.

You can pass the path to the Catalog using the --uri and --credential argument, but it is recommended to setup a ~/.pyiceberg.yaml config as described in the Catalog section.

➜  pyiceberg --help
Usage: pyiceberg [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--catalog TEXT
--verbose BOOLEAN
--output [text|json]
--uri TEXT
--credential TEXT
--help                Show this message and exit.

describe    Describes a namespace xor table
drop        Operations to drop a namespace or table
list        Lists tables or namespaces
location    Returns the location of the table
properties  Properties on tables/namespaces
rename      Renames a table
schema      Gets the schema of the table
spec        Returns the partition spec of the table
uuid        Returns the UUID of the table

This example assumes that you have a default catalog set. If you want to load another catalog, for example, the rest example above. Then you need to set --catalog rest.

➜  pyiceberg list
➜  pyiceberg list nyc
➜  pyiceberg describe nyc.taxis
Table format version  1
Metadata location     file:/.../nyc.db/taxis/metadata/00000-aa3a3eac-ea08-4255-b890-383a64a94e42.metadata.json
Table UUID            6cdfda33-bfa3-48a7-a09e-7abb462e3460
Last Updated          1661783158061
Partition spec        []
Sort order            []
Current schema        Schema, id=0
├── 1: VendorID: optional long
├── 2: tpep_pickup_datetime: optional timestamptz
├── 3: tpep_dropoff_datetime: optional timestamptz
├── 4: passenger_count: optional double
├── 5: trip_distance: optional double
├── 6: RatecodeID: optional double
├── 7: store_and_fwd_flag: optional string
├── 8: PULocationID: optional long
├── 9: DOLocationID: optional long
├── 10: payment_type: optional long
├── 11: fare_amount: optional double
├── 12: extra: optional double
├── 13: mta_tax: optional double
├── 14: tip_amount: optional double
├── 15: tolls_amount: optional double
├── 16: improvement_surcharge: optional double
├── 17: total_amount: optional double
├── 18: congestion_surcharge: optional double
└── 19: airport_fee: optional double
Current snapshot      Operation.APPEND: id=5937117119577207079, schema_id=0
Snapshots             Snapshots
└── Snapshot 5937117119577207079, schema 0: file:/.../nyc.db/taxis/metadata/snap-5937117119577207079-1-94656c4f-4c66-4600-a4ca-f30377300527.avro
Properties            owner                 root
write.format.default  parquet

Or output in JSON for automation:

➜  pyiceberg --output json describe nyc.taxis | jq
  "identifier": [
  "metadata_location": "file:/.../nyc.db/taxis/metadata/00000-aa3a3eac-ea08-4255-b890-383a64a94e42.metadata.json",
  "metadata": {
    "location": "file:/.../nyc.db/taxis",
    "table-uuid": "6cdfda33-bfa3-48a7-a09e-7abb462e3460",
    "last-updated-ms": 1661783158061,
    "last-column-id": 19,
    "schemas": [
        "type": "struct",
        "fields": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "VendorID",
            "type": "long",
            "required": false
            "id": 19,
            "name": "airport_fee",
            "type": "double",
            "required": false
        "schema-id": 0,
        "identifier-field-ids": []
    "current-schema-id": 0,
    "partition-specs": [
        "spec-id": 0,
        "fields": []
    "default-spec-id": 0,
    "last-partition-id": 999,
    "properties": {
      "owner": "root",
      "write.format.default": "parquet"
    "current-snapshot-id": 5937117119577207000,
    "snapshots": [
        "snapshot-id": 5937117119577207000,
        "timestamp-ms": 1661783158061,
        "manifest-list": "file:/.../nyc.db/taxis/metadata/snap-5937117119577207079-1-94656c4f-4c66-4600-a4ca-f30377300527.avro",
        "summary": {
          "operation": "append",
          "": "local-1661783139151",
          "added-data-files": "1",
          "added-records": "2979431",
          "added-files-size": "46600777",
          "changed-partition-count": "1",
          "total-records": "2979431",
          "total-files-size": "46600777",
          "total-data-files": "1",
          "total-delete-files": "0",
          "total-position-deletes": "0",
          "total-equality-deletes": "0"
        "schema-id": 0
    "snapshot-log": [
        "snapshot-id": "5937117119577207079",
        "timestamp-ms": 1661783158061
    "metadata-log": [],
    "sort-orders": [
        "order-id": 0,
        "fields": []
    "default-sort-order-id": 0,
    "refs": {
      "main": {
        "snapshot-id": 5937117119577207000,
        "type": "branch"
    "format-version": 1,
    "schema": {
      "type": "struct",
      "fields": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "VendorID",
          "type": "long",
          "required": false
          "id": 19,
          "name": "airport_fee",
          "type": "double",
          "required": false
      "schema-id": 0,
      "identifier-field-ids": []
    "partition-spec": []